Yeah, I know this horse is supposed to be dead... but I just don't trust it. So here we are again.
What we all really want to know about is the battery. Or supercapacitor really. And we get this gem of a quote from Jack Kavanaugh who's company is making this revolutionary technology:
“The challenge with using graphene in a supercapacitor in the past has been that you don’t have the same density and ability to store as much energy,” Kavanaugh said. “Well we have solved that issue with technology we are working on.”
Now, I don't mean to split hairs here too much, but this quote does not pass the smell test. Maybe Kavanaugh is just not a smooth talker. Or maybe he was asked a question off guard, or maybe he was thinking of something else when he said this. But "density" and "ability to store as much energy" is the same thing. And then he used the past tense when saying he solved the problem, but the present tense when he was working on it.
I think when he was speaking he was putting on his politician hat and trying to sound bigger and better than the technology actually is. He needed to sound savvy but vague. He's just not very good at it. And then he strung out a clause in the second sentence too by hedging the absolute statement that the problem was solved in the past by also adding that they were working on it in the present.
They should have had Bill Clinton make the statement. He is a great deal more talented than Jack Kavanaugh.
If they actually are successful in making a graphene supercapacitor that has a higher energy density than today's best Li-Ion cells, then I'll fully apologize and you can call me bad names out loud. You can even grumble bad things about me under your breath.
But I'm not too worried.

I don't suppose someone has some Photoshop skills and can glean more information from this picture?
And don't worry. The next reveal by Fisker will be covered here even if it happens tomorrow.
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