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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Flying batteries!

Making the battery part of the structure of a vehicle to save space and weight isn't a new idea. But the numbers haven't exactly worked in the favor of making these vehicles. It usually has more to do with cost than engineering. Although some argue that cost is just a part of engineering, what I mean is that making the structure be the actual battery has taken some engineering skill, but that work is complete. It turns out a battery installed into the structure is just better when it comes to cars, small electronic devices, and grid battery installations.

But the cost factor changes somewhat when one talks about high-end aircraft, and Luke Workman thinks the numbers work out.

In fact, Luke thinks it works out better the bigger and higher-end one makes the airplane.

And electric airplanes are certainly of interest. There have been electric planes for almost 50 years, but there hasn't been an advanced enough battery to make them anything more than a curiosity. There were 2 prototypes that flew over the English Channel last year. And there are some other private ventures making kits today.

With today's best technologies, a human-carrying craft is almost useful. But maybe we just aren't thinking big enough.

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